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In this blog you will get updates about my life as a visiting student at Hawaii Pacific University and all the adventures I'm experiencing on this journey. 


I love to travel and post all my different travel memories in this blog.


The blog is a place where you get to come inside my head to my thoughts, my ideas and my memories..  

Live a little.


about me.



Tel: 808 796 7920


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My story

My story began 24 years ago. I grew up in a little town outside of Stockholm where all my friends lived within 5 minutes walking distance.  From 6-years old, on the first day of school, I got a backpack and since that day this backpack has been constantly filled with new experiences: a Bachelor Degree of Strategic Communication from Lund University, an internship at Ullman PR, a public relations agency in Stockholm 

My skills

My passion

and work experiences as a marketing executive at Optimizers AB, a company that develop business applications. I wanted to fill that backpack with more experiences and not only from Sweden, so I decided to move to Hawaii, Honolulu. I am currently studying Graphic Design, Writing for Digital Media, Persuasion and Media Convergence at Hawaii Pacific University. 

Being a communicator it’s of course important to be able to express yourself in numerous ways and get your message stand out in the media clutter. I see myself as a multi-producer with skills in writing, graphic design and creative thinking. I have a big interest in Social Media and Content Marketing. I really like the whole process of producing content, everything from writing to photography and putting everything together in a suitable design. If you want to know more about what I have done check out my portfolio and my resume. 

One of my big passions in life is to travel so in that backpack there are also a lot of travel experiences from Europe, Brazil, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Argentina, California, New York and of course Hawaii. I’m curious and I love see new places, meet new people and gain insights in different cultures. I am outgoing and I always strive to develop myself, which I do best in situations where I have to take a lot of responsibility and push myself to solve problems. 

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